Pain is a Great Catalyst

growth tools

I want to share an interesting realization I had during a recent weekend when I found myself alone with my thoughts, my computer, and my journal. It got me reflecting on an important question that many people often ask: How do I remain consistent in pursuing my goals or vision?

Consistency, as it turns out, is a common challenge for many of us. We often know what to do and how to do it, but struggle to stay consistent over time. And that's where the concept of the "pathological push" versus the "gravitational pull" comes into play.

A pathological push is when our actions are primarily motivated by moving away from pain. It's the feeling of being forced to take action due to the discomfort or dissatisfaction we experience. On the other hand, a gravitational pull is when our actions are motivated by moving towards pleasure, by pursuing something we truly desire.

Tony Robbins once said, "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change." While pain can serve as a catalyst for change, I believe it is not a reliable source for consistency. Why? Because as we start to see results and experience relief from our pain, our drive and motivation tend to dissipate.

This is where the dissipation of drive comes into play. I've observed four stages in this process. Stage one is when we hit a pain threshold, prompting us to take action. Stage two is when we actually start taking action and see gradual improvements. We move from feeling awful to average.

However, stage three is crucial. As the pain subsides and we reach a certain level of comfort or satisfaction, our drive diminishes, and we often slide back to our previous state or even worse. We lose the momentum we built during our initial push. This pattern repeats itself if we don't address the issue of consistency.

So, how can we transition from the pathological push to the gravitational pull? Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Top-grade your peer group: Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you. They say you become the average of the people you spend the most time with, so choose wisely.

  2. Visualize the possibilities: Make a list of all the amazing things that become possible when you achieve your goals. Focus on the positive outcomes and let them serve as a driving force.

  3. Establish true accountability: Find a partner or mentor who can provide support, guidance, and encouragement along your journey. True accountability means answering to someone who helps you stay committed to your promises.

Above all, create rituals of review that reveal results. Get crystal clear on your vision and mentally immerse yourself in the feeling of already having achieved it. This raises your energy level and helps you create from a healthier, more focused state.

Remember, just as you brush your teeth daily for hygiene, consistency requires focus hygiene too. Make it a habit to review your goals, visualize your success, and recalibrate your focus regularly.

I hope these insights help you on your journey towards consistency. Try incorporating these strategies into your week and see how they impact your progress. Let me know your experiences, and remember, we'll be back next week with more valuable insights. Make it a great week ahead!

Bye for now!


Following a very simple three-step process, break in, break down, break through, Jordan helps his clients design and live their best lives while maintaining a profitable business.


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